1st Semester
TKP 1101 Planning Studio: Neighborhood Analysis (4 credits)
Perceive the space through mini tour, spatial elements, urban fabric, component structure, and spatial characters. History, process, tipology, and neighborhood flexibility.
Course Learning Outcome :
- Able to explain the interaction between urban spatial elements.
- Able to examine the quality of urban spatial elements and the outcomes of its relationship in neighbourhood areas.
- Able to organize the urban spatial elements based on sistematic cultural analysis of places.
Literature :
Carstens, Diane Y. 1993. People Places: Design for The Elderly: Issues, Guideliness and Alternatives. John Wiley& Sons. Canada.
Jacobs, Allan B. 1985. Looking at Cities. Cambridge: Harvard university Press.
TKP 1102 Methods and Techniques for Neighborhood Analysis (2 credits)
This course will provide students the ability to identify relevant techniques and methods of neighborhood analysis, to interpret neighborhood space qualities in 2D and 3D and to organize & process data to understand issues of space and place at the neighborhood.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to identify relevant methods and techniques of neighborhood analysis.
- Able to interpret the neighborhood space and place quality in 2D and 3D space using relevant methods and techniques.
- Able to organize and process data to understand issues of space and place at the neighborhood to urban scale.
Literature :
Warpani, S. 1980. Analisa Kota dan Daerah. Bandung: ITB Press.
Gehl, J. 2010. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space. Connecticut,New York: Island Press
Gehl,J & Svarre,B. How To Study Public Life. Washington DC: Island Press
TKP 1103 Site Planning (3 credits)
This course will provide students to understand and to explain the component of landscape and its relationship in the planning context and to arrange site plan/master plan based on the systematic landscape analysis.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the order and component of landscape (natural and mand-made feature /cultural) and its relationship in the planning context.
- Able to arrange site plan / master plan based on the systematic landscape analysis.
- Able to arrange site plan / master plan based on the systematic landscape analysis.
Literature :
LaGro, J. A. 2011. Site analysis: A contextual approach to sustainable land planning and site design. John Wiley & Sons.
Ozyavuz, M (Ed). 2012. Landscape planning. InTech.
Russ, T. H. 2002. Site planning and design handbook. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Tal, D. 2010. Google Sketchup for site design: a guide to modeling site plans, terrain and architecture. John Wiley & Sons.
TKP 1104 Planning Information System (2 credits)
This course mainly discusses about the principles and management procedures of Planning Information Systems (including basic understanding, purposes, usage, variety, quality of information systems, and management of information systems). Besides, students will be taught about the ways to present both spatial and non-spatial information systems to support certain planning activities.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the key terms, roles and component of spatial information system for planning.
- Able to demonstrate spatial data preparations and analysis for spatial planning.
- Able to perform basic operation of spatial inforation system for planning.
Literature :
Laurini, R. 2001. Information Systems for Urban Planning: Hypermedia Co-operative Approach. London and New York: Taylor & Francis
Stillwell, John and Scholten, Henk J. 1990. Geographical Information Systems for Urban and Regional Planning 1. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Tomlin, C. Dana. 1990. Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modeling. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
TKP 1105 Spatial Theory (2 credits)
This course provides an understanding of basic theories about spatial patterns and processes (genesis): classical spatial theories (Von Thunen, Weber, Christaller and Losch, Isard, and Alonzo), locations of agricultural activities, the location of industrial activities, Central Place Theory, spatial interaction theory, the location of urban facilities. In addition, it provides a understanding of contemporary spatial theory related to location analysis & spatial patterns, and theories about basic ideas in location system planning: rural-urban theory by Mc. Gee, Regional speciality of Michael Douglas, Rural-urban interaction theory of Rondinelli.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain spatial concepts in cities and regional context
- Able to assess categorization of spatial potentials and problems
- Able to implement spatial theories, concept and principles to treat spatial porentials and problems
Birch, E. L. (Ed.) 2008.The Urban and Regional Planning Reader, Routledge, New York.
Casey, E. S. 1998.The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History, Califórnia University Press, Berkeley.
Cresswell, T. 2003.Place: Short Introduction, Blackwell Publishing, Malden (MA).
LeGates, R. T.; Stout, F. (Eds.) 2011.The City Reader, Routledge, New York.
Sassen, S. 2006.Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages, Princeton University Press, Princeton (NJ).
TKP 1106 Environment and Resources (2 credits)
This course will provide the students the theoretical principles of environment and environmental resources that exist in cities and regions (such as ecosystems, socio-systems, biotic, abiotic and social resources), and the application of theories to understand environmental issues in urban and regional spaces (water soil, surface water, vegetation, air, soil, and pollution).
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to correlate between natural resources & environment and development.
- Able to explain sustainable development principles in spatial planning context.
- Able to perform simple environmental assessment to identify local environmental problems.
Literature :
Hadi, Sudharto P. 2012. Dimensi lingkungan perencanaan pembangunan. Yogyakarta: UGM Press.
MITCHELL, Bruce, et al. 2010. Pengelolaan sumberdaya dan lingkungan. Yogyakarta: UGM Press.
Lynden B Johnson. 2009. Parks, Plants, and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Forman, Richard T.T. 2008. Urban Regions: Ecology And Planning Beyond The City. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Minguet, Josep Maria. 2008. Sustainable urban landscape. Singapore: Page One Publishing.
Mostafavi, Mohsen. 2013. Ecological urbanism. Zurich: Lars Muller Publishers
TKP 1107 Math for Planning (2 credits)
Understanding basic mathematic concept (indefinite integrals, certain integrals, matrices) and their application in searching problem solving in the area of urban and regional planning (operational research and modeling).
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain systems of linear equations, linear systems, linear programs, matrix systems, and probabilities.
- Able to perform an explanation of mathematical concepts/principles for urban and regional planning.
- Able to execute mathematical concepts/principles for urban and regional analysis.
Salvadori, Mario. 1968.Mathematics Architecture. Canada, Prentice Hall.
Spiegel, Murray R. 1981.Calculus, Singapore. New York, McGraw Hill Book Co.
TKP 1108 English (2 credits)
This course will provide the students the ability of academic reading, writing, and communication related to urban and regional planning topic and issues (physical planning, environmental planning, urban management, economic development, civic design) in English.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to use English for academic purposes.
- Able to demonstrate English proficiency in urban and regional planning context.
Literature :
Thadani, Dhiru A. 2010. The Language of Towns and Cities: A Visual Dictionary
Steins Chris. 2015. Planetizen Guide to Graduate Urban Planning Programs. Lost Angeles: Lonely Planet.