4th Semester
TKP 2401 Planning Studio: Urban Planning (5 credits)
This course will provide the students with the ability to identify and assess a city spatial plan, arranging zoning text, and other abilities related to urban planning.
Course Learning Outcome:
- Able to develop recommendations of urban spatial structure and patterns
- Able to formulate urban planning objectives, achievement indicators, and the concept of urban development (including programs implementation)
- Able to solve urban issues/problems utilizing its potentials
- Able to perform effective teamwork
Literature :
Bayer, Michael. 2010. Becoming an Urban Planner. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Cormona, Mattew. 2010. Public Places Urban Spaces. Canada: Routledge.
Tiwari alok. 2016. Urban Infrastructure Research, A Review of Ethiopian Cities. Saudi Arabia: Springer.
TKP 2402 Methods and Techniques for Urban Planning (2 credits)
Understanding of urban conflict, budgeting, spatial planning, regional data collection techniques, identification of issues and regional problems.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the methods and techniques for urban planning
- Able to assess the existing spatial plan of urban area (including policies, regulations, programs, and activities) to support the realization of urban spatial plan.
- Able to discuss good practices of and recommend better land use planning and urban design guidelines
Literature :
O’Sullivan, Arthur. 2005. Market Areas and Central Place Theory.
Peraturan Menteri PU 06/2007 tentang Pedoman Umum Rencana Tata Bangunan dan Lingkungan.
SNI 03-1733-2004 tentang Tata Cara Perencanaan Lingkungan Perumahan di Perkotaan.
Rui, Yikang. 2013. Urban Growth Modelling Based on Land Use Changes and Road Network Expansion.
Yuan, Jing., et.al. 2012. Discovering Regions of Different Functions in a City Using Human Mobility and PoIs.
TKP 2403 Transportation Planning (3 credits)
Designing models for transportation planning: understanding transportation elements, processes, and transportation engineering methods.
Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain principles, concepts, and standards of sustainable urban and regional transportation
- Able to evaluate the conditions of transportation both in urban and regional contexts
- Able to discuss urban and regional transportation issues and problems
Literature :
Ortuzar, J.D., & Willumsen, L.G. 1994. Modelling Transport, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Tamin, OZ. 2003. Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Transportasi, Contoh Soal dan Aplikasi. Bandung: Penerbit ITB. Regulasi dan peraturan di bidang transportasi
Tumlin, J. 2010. Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools for Creating Vibrant, Healthy, and Resilient Communities. New York: Wiley.
TKP 2405 Development Issues (2 credits)
This course introduces students with various local & global development issues and problems. Then, students are tough to categorize various problems both in urban and regional level based on literature or related public policy. At the end of this course, students are asked to formulate recommendations to solve those problems.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain local and global development issues and problems
- Able to categorize various problems in the city & regional level based on literature / public policy
- Able to formulate recommendations as solutions for development problems
Literature :
United Nations. 2015. Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations, New York.
United Nations Human Settlement Programme. 2017. New Urban Agenda. United Nations.
Isdijoso, Widjajanti; Suryahadi, Asep; and Akhmadi. 2016. Penetapan Kriteria dan Variabel Pendataan Penduduk Miskin yang Komprehensif dalam Rangka Perlindungan Penduduk Miskin di Kabupaten/Kota. The SMERU Research Institute, Jakarta.
TKP 2406 Infrastructure og Energy Planning (2 credits)
An understanding of the processes, stages, and methods of energy management in cities and regions.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain principles and standards of sustainable energy infrastructure
- Able to assess energy needs
- Able to formulate recommendations on sustainable energy infrastructure planning
Literature :
EURELECTRIC (2003). Efficiency in Electricity Generation, Spon Press 2nd Edition
UNEP (2009). Sustainable Urban Energy Planning: A handbook for cities and towns in developing countries
Keirstead J., dan Shah, N., (2013). Urban Energy Systems: An Integrated Approach, Routledge
Droege, P., (2013). Urban Energy Transition: From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Power, Elsevier
TKP 2407 Entrepreneurship and Leadership (2 credits)
This course will introduce students with entrepreneurship and leadership (covers its definition, characters, factors, and the stage of its development). Students are taught to evaluate the quality entrepreneurship and leadership activities using real cases. Students are also asked to formulate a strategy for their own personal development and business proposal.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the definition, characters, and factors of entrepreneurship and leadership, and also the stage of its development
- Able to evaluate the quality of entrepreneurship and leadership activities
- Able to formulate a strategy for personal development and business proposal
Literature :
Bornstein, David; Davis, Susan. 2010. Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Klein, Gabe. 2015. Start-Up City Inspiring Private and Public Entrepreneurship, Getting Projects Done and Having Fun. Island Press, Washington.
Mishra, Chandra S; Zachary, Ramona K. 2015. The Theory of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 5(4).
Santoso, Djoko. 2013. Modul Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan. DIKTI, Jakarta.