7th Semester
TKP 4701 Pra-Final Project (3 credits)
The ability to express ideas based on scientific studies: policies, empirical cases, models, strategies, and implementation towards the preparation of the final project/Thesis.
Learning Outcomes:
- Able to write research proposal or planning/design proposal using academic writing principles
- Able to formulate research or planning problems
- Able to communicate research proposal or planning/design proposal.
Notes : Each student can choose and propose the desired supervisor based on their topic/interest.
Literature :
Brannen, J. 1995. Mixing Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Aldershot, Avebury.
Bryman, A. 2008. Social Research Methods, Oxford ; New York, Oxford University Press.
CreswelL, J. W. 1998. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Traditions, Thousand Oaks, California, Sage Publications.
Creswell, J. W. 2003. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches, California, Sage Publications.
Leedy, P. D. & Ormrod, J. E. 2005. Practical Research: Planning and Design, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
TKP 4702 Planning Ethics (3 credits)
Understanding planning practice: professional ethics, scientific ethics, institutional ethics, and service ethics.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the definition and history of planning ethics
- Able to examine the application of planning ethics in the real world.
- Able to internalize planning ethics into development issues evaluation.
Literature :
Carol, Barrett. 2002. Everyday Ethics for Practicing Planners. APA Planners Press.
Hendler, Sue. 1995. Planning Ethics, a Reader in Planning Theory Practice and Education. New Jersey: New Brunswick.
Herzog, Thomas. 2009. Sustainable Design: Toward A New Ethic In Architecture and Town Planning With Foreword. Berlin: Birkhauser.