Elective Subjects
TKP 5001 Planning Excursion
Develop planning skills (especially in international relations) through comparative studies abroad. The result of this subject can be in a form of discussion of policies, spatial plans, programs, and guidelines to solve actual planning problems in the country.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to compare different planning factors and cultures regarding observed-cities/regions/countries
- Able to formulate lessons learned and recommendation regarding observed-cities/regions/countries
Literature :
Brown, L. J dan Dixon, D. 2009. Urban Design For An Urban Century: Placemaking For People. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
Cousins, William J. 1979. Changing Slum Communities: Urban Community Development In Hyderabad. New delhi: Indian Social Intitute.
TKP 5002 Creative Thinking of Planning
Pengembangan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan inovasi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tata ruang wilayah dan kota. Pemahaman mengenai pendekatan psikologi yang dapat mendukung dan memicu kreatifitas dan inovasi.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain various creative thinking approaches
- Able to formulate creative solution
- Able to perform creative solutions to solve urban and regional problems
Literature :
Siler, T. (2010). Think like a genius. Bantam.
Michalko, M. (2010). Thinkertoys: A handbook of creative-thinking techniques. Ten Speed Press.
Florida, R. (2005). Cities and the creative class. Routledge.
Landry, C. (2012). The creative city: A toolkit for urban innovators. Earthscan.
TKP 5003 Transit Oriented Development
This course provides an understanding of the concept of a land-use planning process with transit-oriented development (TOD) approach. In addition, it provides an understanding and ability to integrate land-use planning, development of public transportation and the concentration of development areas for mix-used land around the transit stop.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain concepts, principles, and influencing factors of TOD
- Able to assess TOD practices in different contexts
- Able to formulate recommendations of TOD plans
Literature :
Dittmar, H. (2004), The New Transit Town. Island Press. Washington DC
Ronald L.U. & Partners (2015) High-Density Transit-Oriented Development. Willey Printing Ltd. Hongkong
Suzuki, H. & Cervero, R. (2013) Transforming Cities with Transit: Transit and Land Use Integration for Sustainable Urban Development, World Bank Publication.
TKP 5004 Housing Site Planning
Pemahaman mengenai metode, teknik dan proses perencanaan tapak perumahan. Pemahaman dan kemampuan menganalisa bentuk dan struktur lahan bagi pengembangan permukiman baru dengan mengintegrasikan aspek-aspek kelestarian lingkungan dan keselamatan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain principles, concepts, and standards of housing site planning
- Able to evaluate housing site plan
- Able to formulate housing site planning
Literature :
Chiara, J.D., Julius Panero and Martin Zelnik 1995. Time-Saver Standards for Housing and Residential Development. McGraw-Hill Inc., US
Chiara, J.D. dan Lee E. K. (2008). Standar Perencanaan Tapak, Penerbit Erlangga, Bandung
Chiara, J.D. and Michael J. Crosbie (Eds.) 2001. Time-Saver Standards for Building Types. McGraw-Hill Inc., US
TKP 5005 Sustainable Tourism Planning
Pemahaman mengenai metode, teknik dan proses perencanaan pariwisata berkelanjutan. Pemahaman dan kemampuan menganalisa potensi dan masalah wilayah dan kota bagi pengembangan pariwisata dengan mengintegrasikan aspek-aspek kelestarian lingkungan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain theories, concepts and processes of sustainable tourism planning
- Able to assess sustainable tourism planning practices in different contexts
- Able to formulate strategies to develop sustainable tourism areas.
Literature :
Honey, M. (2008), 2nd edition, Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Who Own Paradise?, Island Press, Washington.
Inskeep, P. (1991) Tourism Planning: An Iintegrated and Sustainable Development Approach, John Wiley and Sons, Canada
TKP 5006 Geological Disaster and Spatial Planning
Pemahaman mengenai peran pemahaman ilmu geologi kebencanaan untuk mendukung perumusan solusi permasalahan wilayah dan kota. Pemahaman dan kemampuan menganalisa potensi dan masalah wilayah dan kota terkait goelogi kebancanaan bagi pengembangan wilayah dan kota yang berbasis mitigasi bencana dan kelestarian lingkungan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain geological phenomena and processes.
- Able to identify various geological hazards and disasters in urban and regional planning context.
- Able to formulate geological-based recommendations for urban and regional planning
Literature :
Bathrellos, G.D., Gaki-Papanastassiou, K., Skilodimou, H.D., Papanastassiou, D. and Chousianitis, K.G., 2012. Potential suitability for urban planning and industry development using natural hazard maps and geological–geomorphological parameters. Environmental earth sciences,66(2), pp.537-548.
Kong, T.B. and Komoo, I., 1990. Urban geology: case study of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Engineering geology, 28(1-2), pp.71-94.
Legget, R.F., 1987. The value of geology in planning. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 4(1), pp.53-58.
Wenzel, F. and Zschau, J. eds., 2013. Early Warning for Geological Disasters: Scientific Methods and Current Practice. Springer Science & Business Media.
TKP 5007 Rural Planning
This course will provide the students the ability to understanding the principal of rural planning comprehensively, aspects of agriculture, agriculture development and other activities, rural industries, social culture characteristics and social economy of rural area, nature and human sources management, rural development policy, rural spatial planning, planning process, implementation, and control of rural development.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the principles and concepts of integrated rural development planning
- Able to discuss integrated rural development issues/problems
- Able to formulate recommendations for integrated rural development
Literature :
De Souza, Peter. 2017. The Rural and Peripheral in Regional Development: An Alternative Perspective. London: Routledge
Redclift, Michael; et al. 1997. Sustainable rural development. USA: Ashgate Publishing Company.
Wahidi, D Roestanto. 2006. Memajukan perdesaan melalui PPIP (Program Pembangungan Infrastruktur Desa). Bogor.
TKP 5008 Industrial Site Planning
Pemahaman mengenai metode, teknik dan proses perencanaan tapak industri. Pemahaman dan kemampuan menganalisa karakteristik lahan bagi pengembangan kawasan industri dengan mengintegrasikan aspek-aspek kelestarian lingkungan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain principles and standards of industrial site planning.
- Able to evaluate industrial site planning.
- Able to design industrial site plan.
Literature :
Beer, A. and Higgins, C., 2004. Environmental Planning for Site Development: A manual for sustainable local planning and design. Routledge.
Chiara, J.D. dan Lee E. K. (2008). Standar Perencanaan Tapak, Penerbit Erlangga, Bandung
Chiara, J.D. and Michael J. Crosbie (Eds.) 2001. Time-Saver Standards for Building Types. McGraw-Hill Inc., US
Quattromani Jr, T.L., 1993. Industrial Site Survey for the Town of Westerly, Rhode Island.
TKP 5009 Public Transport Planning
Pemahaman mengenai konsep dan teknik perencanaan jaringan transportasi publik yang tidak hanya efektif tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan tingkat okupansi angkutan umum perkotaan dan dapat diakses oleh seluruh masyarakat luas termasuk anak-anak, wanita, lansia dan kaum disabilitas.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain theories, strategies and issues in public transport planning
- Able to demonstrate techniques and methods in public transport planning
- Able to formulate recommendations for public transport system
Literature :
Gustav Nielsen (2005), HiTrans Best Practice Guide No. 2; Public Transport: Planning the Networks, HiTrans, Norway
Paul Mees (2010), Transport for Suburbia: Beyond the Automobile Age, Earthscan, London.
Low, N. (2013). Transforming urban transport: the ethics, politics and practices of sustainable mobility. Routledge.
Vukan R. Vuchic (2005), Urban Transit: Operations, Planning and Economics, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey
TKP 5010 Urban Regeneration
This course provides an understanding of the urgency and concept of urban regeneration to reactivate socio-economic activities of people in an ageing urban area.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain theories, strategies and issues in public transport planning
- Able to demonstrate techniques and methods in public transport planning
- Able to formulate recommendations for public transport system
Literature :
Bull, A.C. & Jones, Bryn. (2006) Governance and Social Capital in Urban Regeneration: A Comparison between Bristol and Naples. Urban Studies, Vol. 43, No. 4 pg: 767– 786. Routledge
Colquhoun, Ian. (1995). Urban Regeneration: an international perspective. Batssford. London
Lever, John (2011) Urban Regeneration Partnerships: A Figurational Critique of Governmentality Theory. SAGE. New York
TKP 5011 Space and Behaviour
Pemahaman mengenai kaitan antara tatanan ruang dan perilaku masyarakat. Pengaruh desain ruang sebuah wilayah dan kawasan perkotaan terhadap kegiatan masyarakat di dalamnya
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain basic concepts and theories of space and behaviour
- able to assess the relationship between human behaviour and space
- Able to design public space using the principles of inter-relationship between space and human behaviour
Literature :
Gifford, R. 2007. Environmental psychology: Principles and practice. Colville, WA: Optimal books.
Sommer, B., & Sommer, R. 1991. A practical guide to behavioral research: Tools and techniques . Oxford University Press.
Bechtel, R. B., & Churchman, A. (Eds.). 2003. Handbook of environmental psychology. John Wiley & Sons.
TKP 5012 Coastal Area and Small Islands Planning
Pemahaman mengenai proses dan metode perencanaan kawasan pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Indonesia memiliki ribuan pulau-pulau kecil dan
kawasan pesisir yang sangat luas membutuhkan perencanaan terkait kawasan tersebut. Kebutuhan kawasan ini berbeda dengan kawasan wilayah dan perkotaan pada umumnya karena kawasan ini sangat rentan terhadap kerusakan lingkungan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain characteristics of coastal areas & small islands and principles, concepts & methods to develop the areas.
- Able to discuss various conflicts in coastal areas and small islands.
- Able to formulate development strategies to solve problems in coastal areas and small islands.
Literature :
Moksness, E., Dahl, E., & Støttrup, J. (2009). Integrated coastal zone management. John Wiley & Sons.
Thia-Eng, C. (1993). Essential elements of integrated coastal zone management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 21(1), 81-108.
Krishnamurthy, R. R., Krishnamurthy, R. R., Kannen, A., Ramanathan, A. L., Tinti, S., Glavovic, B. C., … & Agardy, T. S. (2008). Integrated coastal zone
management. Research Publishing Services.
Post, J. C., Lundin, C. G., & Mundial, B. (1996). Guidelines for integrated coastal zone management. Washington: World Bank.
TKP 5013 Urban Environmental Management
Pemahaman mengenai urgensi, prinsip dan metode pengelolaan lingkungan untuk mewujudkan dan mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan di wilayah dan kota.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain principles, approaches, and tools for urban environmental management
- Able to use environmental indicators for assessing quality of urban environment
- Able to formulate strategies to improve the quality of urban environment.
Literature :
Gifford, R. 2007. Environmental psychology: Principles and practice. Colville, WA: Optimal books.
Bell, P. A., Green, T., Fisher, J. D., & Baum, A. 2001. Environmental Psychology.—. New Jersey.
Bechtel, R. B., & Churchman, A. (Eds.). 2003. Handbook of environmental psychology. John Wiley & Sons.
TKP 5014 Urban Housing Policy
Pemahaman mengenai sejarah, paradigm dan permasalahan terkait kebijakan perumahan di perkotaan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain various urban housing policies and management
- Able to discuss various problems in urban housing
- Able to discuss urban housing policy and management in specific context.
Literature :
Kusno, A. 2012. Politics and Economy of Public Housing and Jakarta City Utopia (Politik Ekonomi Perumahan Rakyat dan Utopia Kota Jakarta).
Jakarta, Ombak.
Kuswahyono, I. 2004. Walk-up Flat Law: an Introduction for Understanding (Hukum Rumah Susun: Suatu Bekal Pengantar Pemahaman). Malang,
Maginn, P. J., S. Thompson, et al. 2008. “Qualitative Housing Analysis: An International Perspective.” Studies in Qualitative Methodology 10.
TKP 5015 Tourism Planning
Pemahaman pokok-pokok pengembangan pariwisata: pengertian pariwisata, domain/ranah, aspek-aspek perencanaan pengembangan pariwisata (sosial, budaya, ekonomi, politik, fisik dan lingkungan). Komponen-komponen pengembangan pariwisata (produk, sistem manajemen, sumber daya manusia, sisitem jaringan, pemasaran dan promosi, pengelolaan dampak lingkungan), serta jenjang dan skala pengembangan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain theories, concepts and processes in tourism area design
- Able to critique existing tourism area design
- Able to formulate design ideas for tourism area
Literature :
Honey, M. (2008), 2nd edition, Ecotourism and Sustainable Development: Who Own Paradise?, Island Press, Washington.
Inskeep, P. (1991) Tourism Planning: An Iintegrated and Sustainable Development Approach, John Wiley and Sons, Canada.
TKP 5017 Ecology and Ecosystem Conservation
Pembahasan keselarasan/keseimbangan dalam membangun wilayah, pembahasan dimensi ekosistem dan keanekaragaman sumberdaya hayati
dan pemahaman konsep konservasi ekosistem dan keanekaragaman hayati dalam membangun wilayah.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain various ecosystems and biodiversity conservation in Indonesia.
- Able to discuss the roles of ecosystems and biodiversity in urban and regional planning context.
- Able to formulate ecosystem and biodiversity conservation strategies in urban and regional planning context.
Literature :
Schmitz, Oswald J. 2007. Ecology and ecosystem conservation, Island Press, USA.
Djakapermana. Ruchyat Deni, Kebijakan Penataan Ruang Wilayah Sebagai Dasar Permanfaatan Lahan Dalam Pengembangan Kawasan, Makalah, 2005.
TKP 5018 Urban and Regional Infrastructure Management
This course will provide the students the ability to understand how to manage urban and regional infrastructure and related issues. In addition,
this course also provides the students the ability to develop a strategy to solve infrastructure management problems.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain principles and concept of infrastructure management.
- Able to discuss infrastructure management in the context of Indonesian development.
- Able to formulate strategies to address infrastructure development problems in Indonesia
Literature :
Leendertse, Wim; et al. 2016. Sustainable market involvement in transport infrastructure management. Transportation Research Procedia 14 (2016) 2936 – 2945.
Dong, Liang; et al. 2018. Recent progress on innovative urban infrastructures system towards sustainable resource management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 128 (2018) 355–359
Wu, Yunna; et al. 2018. Risk management of public-private partnership charging infrastructure projects in China based on a three-dimension
framework. Energy 165 (2018) 1089-1101.
TKP 5019 Community Participation in Disaster Management
This course introduces students about theories and principles of community-based disaster mitigation and its application through various best practices discussion. In the last part of this course, students will assess existing community-based disaster mitigation strategies using theories, principles, and other considerations learned before.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain theories and principles of community-based disaster mitigation
- Able to discuss best-practices of community-based disaster mitigation
- Able to assess existing community-based disaster mitigation strategies
Literature :
Godschalk, D.R., Brody, S., and Burby, R. 2003. Public participation in natural hazard mitigation policy formation: challenges for comprehensive planning. Juornal of environmental planning and management, 46(5), pp. 733-754.
Pearce, L. 2003. Disaster management and community planning, and public participation: how to achieve sustainable hazard mitigation. Natural hazards, 28(2-3), pp. 211-228.
Pearce, L. 2005. The value of public participation during hazard, impact, risk and vulnerability (HIRV) analysis. Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change, 10(3), pp. 411-441.
TKP 5021 System Approach in Urban Planning
This course introduces students with the concepts and principles of system-approach in urban and regional planning. Besides, students will be taught to use this approach to solve specific urban or regional planning problems.
Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain concepts and principles of system-approach for Urban and Regional Planning studies
- Able to explain the dynamic of system- approach scheme in planning
- Able to formulate descriptive models on specific cases
Literature :
Groat, L. & D. Wang. 2002. Architectural Research Methods. John Wiley & Sons, New York
Kilcullen, David J. 2012. “The City as a System: Future Conflict and Urban Resilience”, The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Vol. 26:2 Summer 2012.
World Bank. 2010. Eco2 Cities: Ecological Cities as Economic Cities— Synopsis. The World Bank, Herndon, VA.
TKP 5022 Urban Informal Sector Management
Pemahaman latar belakang kemunculan, karakter serta permasalahan dan keuntungan adanya sektor informal di kota-kota negara berkembang: manusia (tenaga kerja, ekonomi/kegiatan usaha), habitat/permukiman, lokasi spasial perkotaan, pendekatan pengelolaan (pendekatan spasial, sosial dan ekonomi).
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the history and development of informal sector
- Able to discuss the relationship between development paradigms and informal sector.
- Able to formulate recommendations for informal sector management.
Literature :
Woltjer, Johan(2000).Concensus Planning, Hampshire, Ashgate Publishing Company.
de Swaan, A., & van der Linden, M. (2006). Mutualist microfinance: informal savings funds from the global periphery to the core?.
TKP 5023 Landscape Design and Planning
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain principles, procedures, and methods in landscape planning and design
- Able to apply indicators for assessing urban landscape quality.
- Able to formulate landscape planning and design recommendation.
Literature :
Blake, B.J., 1999. An introduction to landscape design and construction. Gower.
Kong-jian, Y.U., Di-hua, L.I. and Qing-ping, J.I., 2001. Ecological Design for Landscape and City: Concepts and Principles [J]. Journal of ChineseLandscape Architecture, 6(000).
Motloch, J.L., 2000. Introduction to landscape design. John Wiley & Sons.
TKP 5024 Land-use and Geomorphology
Pengembangan kemampuan dan penalaran akademik melalui penelitian untuk perencanaan (research for Membentuk mahasiswa yang mampu memahami keilmuan Geomorfologi dan implikasinya dalam perencanaan Penggunaan Lahan dalam konteks kewilayahan, yang dilandasi oleh jiwa profesional-akademik, berpemikiran cerdas, beretika dan tatakrama luhur, jujur,disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain geomorphological phenomena affecting land use planning
- Able to relate geomorphological phenomena with land use potentials and problems.
- Able to formulate geomorphological concept for regional planning
Literature :
Bemmelen, R.W. van, 1970. The Geology of Indonesia. General Geology of Indonesia and Adjacent Archipelagoes. Government Printing Office. The Haque
Verstappen, H. Th., 1995. The Concept of Apllied Geomorphology- with Examples from Columbia, Indonesia, and Thailand. Indonesian Journal of Geography. Vol. 27 No. 69, June 1995
Zuidam, R.A. van and Zuidam, F.I. van Cancelado, 1979 and 1985. Aerial Photo-Interpretation in Terrain Analysis and Geomorphologic Mapping.
ITC. Smits Publishers. The Hague
TKP 5025 Spatial Planning based on Disaster Management
This course introduces students about concepts and principles of disaster mitigation and its application for assessing disaster risk in the context of spatial planning as well as for formulating a spatial plan based on disaster mitigation. At the end of this course, students will be able to formulate a spatial plan based on disaster mitigation using concept, principles, and the assessment had done before.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the concepts and principles of disaster mitigation
- Able to assess disaster risk in the context of spatial planning
- Able to formulate spatial plan based on disaster mitigation
Literature :
Carter, W., N., (2008), Disaster Management: a Disaster Manager’s Handbook, ADB
Kreimer A., Arnold M., Carlin A., (2003), Building Safer Cities: The Future of Disaster Risk, The World Bank
TKP 5026 Urban Kampung Policy and Empowerment
This course introduce students with the concept of informal & formal settlement, and policy implementation of settlement development in urban kampong. In the first half of this course, students are tough with various cases of urban kampong developments and policies. Then, in the second half, students asked to conduct small research and discussion about kampong development programs and best practices.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain concepts, issues, and problems of urban informal settlement
- Able to discuss policies, programs, and best practices in urban informal settlement/kampung
- Able to formulate recommendations for better and sustainable urban kampung problems
Friedman, John. 1992. Empowerment: The Politics of Alternative Development. First Publisher, Cambridge.
Setiawan, Bakti. Kampung Kota dan Kota Kampung. Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup UGM, Yogyakarta.
Tamara, Anindya S. and Rahdriawan, Mardwi. 2018. Kajian Pelaksanaan Konsep Kampung Tematik di Kampung Hidroponik Kelurahan Tanjung Mas Kota Semarang. Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan, Vol. 6(1).
TKP 5027 Industrial Area Planning
Mengetahui dan memahami kawasan industrial sebagai suatu subsistem pengembangan tata ruang wilayah. Dampak sosial-ekonomi-politikbudaya-lingkungan dari kegiatan industrial. Teori, proses, metoda perencanaan dan perancangan kawasan industrial secara 2 dimensional dan 3 dimensional. Pengembangan kasus tertentu. Penataan dan pengaturan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the principles, concepts and methods of industrial estates planning.
- Able to assess potentials and problems of industrial estate.
- Able to formulate strategies for industrial estate development.
Ireson, Grant, & Eugene L. Grant, 1977, Handbook of Industrial Engineering and Management, New York, McGraw Hill Book Co.
Lynch, K. & Hatch, G., 1984, Site Planning,
Blacksell, M.E. Gilg., A., 1981, The Countryside: Planning and Change, London, George Allan & Uwin.
TKP 5028 Small to Medium Industrial Area Management
- Able to explain small and medium industrial sites planning
- Able to assess recommendation and design for small and medium industrial sites
Cooke, P., 2001. Regional innovation systems, clusters, and the knowledge economy. Industrial and corporate change, 10(4), pp.945-974.
Foord, J., 2009. Strategies for creative industries: an international review.Creative Industries Journal, 1(2), pp.91-113.
Marijan, K., 2005. Mengembangkan industri kecil menengah melalui pendekatan kluster. INSAN 7 (3): 216, 225.
TKP 5029 Real Estate Management
Pemahaman mengenai pengelolaan real estate terutama terkait pembiayaan sarana prasarana di dalam sebuah kawasan real estate.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain financing and management principles of real estate
- Able to examine concepts and practices of real estate management
- Able to formulate management system for real estate development.
Literature :
Geltner, D., Miller, N., Clayton, J. and Eichholtz, P.M.A., 2013. Commercial real estate analysis and investments.
Krumm, P.J.M.M., 1999. Corporate real estate management in multinational corporations: a comparative analysis of Dutch corporations. Arko.
Peiser Richad B., 1992, Professional Real Estate development: The ULI Guide to the Bussiness, Dearborn Financial Pub. Company, USA
TKP 5031 Urban Conservation and Preservation
Pemahaman pengertian/konsep, latar belakang/motivasi, teknik/mekanisme, sistem regulasi dan instrument yang dipakai dalam preservasi dan konservasi kota: pengertian, sejarah perkembangan preservasi dan konservasi, tujuan dan sasaran preservasi dan konservasi, mekanisme, proses dan teknik perencanaan preservasi dan konservasi, aturan dan pengaturan, pengelolaan, dan implikasi terhadap motif perencanaan.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain theories and concept in urban preservation and conservation
- Able to integrate ideas of preservation & conservation and economic development
- Able to formulate spatial plan based on preservation and conservation policies
Allison, Eric W. & Lauren Peters. 2011. Historic Preservation and the Livable City. Wiley.
Khoo Salma, N. 1997. Heritage Habitat: A source boo of thr urban conversation movement in Asia and the Pasific. Penang: AWPNUC.
Rodwell, Dennis. 2007. Conservation and Sustainability in Historic Cities. Wiley-Blackwell.
TKP 5033 Resilient Cities
This course provides students with the understanding of various definitions of resilience and resilient city, and resilience indicators of a city.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the concepts and principles of resilience in urban and regional context.
- Able to assess the resilience values of urban and regional context.
- Able to develop strategies to improve resilience for urban and regional development.
Archer, Diane. (2017) Responding to climate change in Asian cities governance for a more resilient urban future. Routledge. New York
Eraydin, Ayda ; Tasan-Kok, Tuna. 2013. Resilience thinking in urban planning. Springer. New York
Kidokoro, T. et al., eds. (2008) Vulnerable Cities: Realities, Innovations, and Strategies, Springer, Tokyo
TKP 5035 Real Estate Planning
This course will provide the students with the ability to understand the process, procedure, methods, and approach in real estate planning. Furthermore, this course also provides common/existing problems and issues in the real estate industry.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain characteristics, components, and principles of real estate planning and development
- Able to assess potentials and problems of real estate development
- Able to develop real estate business proposal
Meulen, Philipp an de; et al. 2014. Forecasting real estate prices in Germany: the role of consumer confidence. Journal of Property Research vol. 31.
Hui, Eddie C. M.; Ka Kwan Kevin Chan. 2011. Are the global real estate markets contagious?. International Journal of Strategic Property Management Vol 16.
Warren-Myers. Georgia. 2015. Real Estate Valuation and Valuing Sustainability: A Case Study of Australia. Pacific Rim Property Research Journal vol. 19.
TKP 5056 Smart Cities
This course introduces students with the concept, goals, and benefit of smart city, its relation with urban and regional planning, and the
implementation of this concept in the real world.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain concepts and principles of smart city
- Able to relate smart cities principles in different scopes and contexts
- Able to formulate innovative ideas for smart city development
Dameri, R.P. & A. Cocchia. (2013) Smart City and Digital City: Twenty Years of Terminology Evolution. The Proceeding of itAIS 2013 Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS: Empowering society through digital innovations, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan (Italy), December 14th, 2013
Marcin Baron, 2012, “Do We Need Smart Cities for Resilience”, Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 10, University of Economics, Katowice.
TKP 5057 International Joint Studio
This subject introduces students with international working environment. This subject usually hosts excursion / travelling studio held by international university partners. Some universities that have worked together in this subject include University of Queensland, Curtin University, RMIT, Radboud University. It uses real cases to be observed by students. Students are also encouraged to work with community in this subject.
Studio topics depend on the university partners. Topics that have been worked on include rural planning, women empowerment, urban land management, and disaster mitigation and adaptation.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to perform cross-culture practice in planning process
- Able to comply with local and international context in planning process
- Able to perform effective team work and communication with international student
Literature :
Kelly, Eric D. 2010. Community Planning: An Introduction to the Comprehensive Plan. Washington: Island Press.
ETZIONI, Amitai. 2006. The spirit of community the reinvention of American society.nNew York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan.
TKP 5057 Infrastructure Financing
This course will provide the students the ability to understanding the process, procedure, and mechanism of infrastructure financing in city and region. In addition, this course also show and explain the problems and challenges related to infrastructure financing.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the principles and concepts of infrastructure financing
- Able to assess infrastructure financing scheme
- Able to formulate financing recommendations for urban and regional infrastructure
Ferrari, Massimo; Alberto Giovannini; Massimo Pompei. 2016. The challenge of infrastructure financing. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 32, Number 3, 2016, pp. 446–474.
Knight, Eric R. W.; and Rajiv Sharma. 2016. Infrastructure as a traded product: A relational approach to finance in practice. Journal of Economic Geography 16 (2016) pp. 897–916.
Arezkia, Rabah; and Amadou Sy. 2016. Financing Africa’s Infrastructure Deficit: From Development Banking to Long-term Investing. Journal of African Economies, 2016, Vol. 25, AERC Supplement 2, pp. ii59–ii73
TKP 5057 Project Management
Pemahaman mengenai tata cara pengadaan suatu Proyek (atau pengadaan barang dan jasa) adalah merupakan bagian penting dalam administrasi pelaksanaan proyek. Agar diperoleh dayaguna dan hasil guna yang optimum, sumberdaya yang digunakan untuk merealisasikan setiap butir yang dituangkan didalam kesepakatan kontrak akan digunakan secara optimum.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain principles, processes, and methods of project management cycle
- Able to apply critical path analysis for project scheduling
- Able to develop project implementation strategies for urban and regional development
Goodman, L.J., dan Love, R.N., (1980). Project Planning and Management: An Integrated Approach, Pergamon Press
Project Management Institute (2013). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.
TKP 5063 Housing Development Financing
Pemahaman pokok-pokok pembiayaan pembangunan perumahan. Komponen-komponen pembiayaan pembangunan perumahan. Prinsip-prinsip dan teknik penyusunan rencana pembiayaan pembangunan perumahan yang relalistis.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the components, principles and application of housing development financing.
- Able to identify potentials and problems in housing development financing
- Able to propose realistic and creative financing schemes in particular for low income housing development
Miles . E, et al, 1991, Real Estate Development: Principles and proces,ULI-Urban Land Institute, Washinton DC (CODE: RED)
Peiser Richad B., 1992, Professional Real Estate development: The ULI Guide to the Bussiness, Dearborn Financial Pub. Company, USA
TKP 5069 Logistic and Transportation Planning
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain theories, concepts, and principles of logistics and transportation planning
- Able to apply techniques and methods in logistics and transportation planning to identify issues and problems
- Able to formulate policy recommendations for logistics and transportation planning
TKP 5070 Environmental Valuation
This subject introduces students with various enviromental valuation methods and their use for specific contexts especially in the field of urban and regional development. The methods taught in this subject include: market based, continget valuation, hedonic pricing, benefit transfer, costbenefit analysis. Students are also asked to critically discussed the role of environmental valuation in decision making for urban and regional
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to apply and match various environmental valuation methods for specific context
- Able to integrate environmental valuation study into decision making process
- Able to create simple environmental valuation study using real cases
de Groot, R.S., Wilson, M.A., et al., 2002. A typology for theclassification, description and valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services. Ecological Economics 41 (3),393–408.
Vollmer D, Ryffel AN, Djaja K, Gret-Regamey AE (2016) Examining demandfor urban river rehabilitation in Indonesia: Insights from a spatially explicit discrete choice experiment. Land Use Policy (57): 514-525.
Engström, G., and A. Gren. 2017. Capturing the value of green space in urban parks in a sustainable urban planning and design context: pros and cons of hedonic pricing. Ecology and Society 22(2):21. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-09365-220221