2nd Semester
TKP 1201 Planning Studio: Neighborhood Planning (4 credits)
Planning studio is a subject where students learn planning practice based on the chosen theme. This practice involves data collection, analysis, and planning of an area as the object of this studio.
Course Learning Outcomes :
- Able to explain the basic materials of neighborhood planning and all its implementation tools.
- Able to assess neighborhood areas using human senses and design precedents.
- Able to overlay data dan map from multiple criteria/aspects of spatial analysis and develop them as new spatial information and design/planning consideration.
- Able to create masterplan at the neighborhood level and present them in a 2d map and 3d animation with a clear explanation of the planning/design concept of the masterplan.
- Able to perform effective teamwork.
Literature :
Berke, P. and Kaiser, E. (2006). Urban Land Use Planning. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Bendavid-Val, A. (1991). Regional and Local Economic Analysis for Practitioners. London: Praeger.
Kim, LL Wiggins. Expert systems applications to urban planning
Keating, B. (2017). Basic Cost-Benefit Analysis for Assessing Local Public Projects. Business Expert Press.
TKP 1202 Methods and Techniques for Neighborhood Planning (2 credits)
Neighbourhood Planning Method and Technique course provides basic methods and approach in planning and designing built-up environment at neighbourhood scale. Course is delivered by giving a relevant theory and method that can be used in analyzing, considering, and making alternatives for neighbourhood plan. Course uses real neighbourhood in Yogyakarta as case study where students choose and apply some method to understand the nature of neighbourhood area as a consideration as well as input for design. Student will adress this assignment in group and must be able to present their result through report and presentation.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the methods and techniques of spatial analysis to create a masterplan
- Able to recognize the spatial design element and its configuration in shaping a good masterplan design.
- Able to recommend the spatial configurations and considerations or as a whole masterplan with 2D map and 3D.
Literature :
Talen, Emily. 2009. Urban Design Reclaimed: Tools, Technique, and Strategies for Planners. American Planning AssociationPlanner. USA. Planner Press
New Partners for Smart Growth. 2008. Livable Centers: A Strategy for Regional Mobility. Houston- Galveston Areaa Council
Zyberk. 2009. Smart Code Version 9.2. The Town Paper Publisher
Toronto City Planning. 2013. Design Guidelines for Greening Surface Parking Lots. Toronto City Planning. Toronto
TKP 1203 Planning Theory (2 credits)
This course will provide students the ability to understanding the history of the development of science and practice of planning, the development of the thinking behind the emergence and development of planning practice; theory: theory of planning, theory in planning, and theory for planning; as well as the concepts that are in it. Blue print planning, planning process, disjointed incremental planning, comprehensive planning, advocacy planning, muddling through planning, transactive planning.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain various planning paradigms and theories.
- Able to examine the development of planning theories in national and international level
- Able to discuss various planning theories using empirical evidences.
Archibugi, Franco. 2008.Planning Theory: From the Political Debate to the Methodological Reconstruction. Springer.
Friedmann, John. 2011.Insurgencies: Essays in Planning Theory. Taylor & Francis.
Holden, Debra J.; and Marc A Zimmerman . 2008.A Practical Guide to Program Evaluation Planning: Theory and Case Examples.
Sage Publications, Inc.
Pallagst, Karina M. 2007.Growth Management in the US: Between Theory and Practice. Ashgate.
TKP 1204 Planning Process (2 credits)
This course introduces students various models or approaches in planning process including their concepts, objectives, and benefits. This course enriches students’ knowledge through discussions about planning processes and its application in various contexts by more focusing on cases in Indonesia.
Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain various model/ approaches in planning process.
- Able to discuss urban and regional planning process.
- Able to illustrate the applications of planning process in various contexts.
Literature :
Couch, C. 1990. Urban Renewal: Theory and Practice. London: MacMillan Education Ltd.
Stren, R. & J.K. Bell (eds.). 1995. Urban Research In The Developing World. Canada: University of Toronto Press.
Djunaedi,A. 2012. Proses Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota: Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
TKP 1205 Presentation and Communication Techniques (2 credits)
This course will provide the students with the ability to make a presentation (graphic, written, and verbal), so technical data planning becomes information that is easily understood: cartography, engineering drawing, and multimedia as well as the ability to communicate the results of the planning work in community interactively and could get the support and active contribution from the community.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the principles for effective presentation.
- Able to design effective presentation.
- Able to perform effective presentation.
Literature :
Ching, Francis D. K. 1979. Architecture: Form, Space and Order, dalam versi bahasa Indonesia diterjemahkan oleh Ir. Pulus Hanoto A. Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.
Simmonds, John O. 1961. Landscape Architecture: The Shaping of Man’s Natural Environment. New York: McGraw-Hill inc.
White, E.T. 1985. Presentation Strategies in Architecture.
TKP 1206 Urban Design (3 credits)
This course provides an understanding of urban design as a masterpiece and profession that will be used as a way to build community lives in urban and region.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain urban design flows, elements of concepts, methods, and applications and the planning scale of the area in a single group flow.
- Able to critique urban design flows.
- Able to give recommendation for urban design
Literature :
Duany, A., Plater-Zyberk, E., Speck. J. (2000) Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dreams. North Point Press. New York
Lang, J. (2005) Urban Design: A Typology of Procedures and Products, Architectural Press. Burlinton (MA)
Moughtin, Cliff. (2003) Urban design: Method and techniques. The Architectural Press. Amsterdam
UNU … Engineering Concept (2 credits)
This course will provide the students the competence and ethics of the engineering professions in various courses in the Faculty of Engineering by facilitating interaction students from various courses so as to foster a sense of togetherness and pride as engineering students.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the ethics of engineer as a profession, the code of conduct, and the competency of the existing study program in the Faculty of Engineering as well as its relevance in real-world activities.
- Able to perceive the works and the contribution of engineering profession amidst the community by having a sense of togetherness and pride as a student/alumni of the Faculty of Engineering.
Capra, F., 1997, “Titik Balik Peradaban. Sain, Masyarakat dan Kebangkitan Kebudayaan”, Yayasan Bentang Budaya, Yogyakarta
Capra, F., 1999, “Menyatu Dengan Semesta”, Fajar Pustaka Baru, Yogyakarta
Clark, B., 1998, “Political Economy, A comparative Approach”, Second Edition, Praeger Publisher, USA.
Tim Dosen Ilmu Filsafat Fakultas Filsafat UGM, 2007, “Filsafat Ilmu Sebagai dasar Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan”, Liberty, Yogyakarta
Wahyudi Budi Setiawan, 2014, “Sikap Mental dan Etika Profesi Teknik”, Edisi XIII, Fakultas Teknik UGM, Yogyakarta
UNU … Civic (2 credits)
Understanding of the archipelago, national resilience, politics, as well as the national defense and security system, along with its relation to spatial issues, such as land management and spatial policy.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain citizen’s responsibilities and rights in urban and regional development.
- Able to provide examples of citizen participation in urban and regional development.
- Able to discuss the roles of civics in urban and regional planning.
Lemhanas/Ditjendikti Departemen P dan K. 1984. Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa
UNU … Pancasila (2 credits)
Understanding the history of Pancasila and Undang-Undang Dasar 1945; understanding Pancasila as the basic philosophy of the state of Republik Indonesia, as a national ideology, as a way of life and personality of the nation, as a unifying the nation.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Able to explain the roles of Pancasila in regulating nation, state, and community
- Able to discuss the value of Pancasila in managing resource utilization and allocation.
- Able to propose examples of the implementation of Pancasila’s values in urban and regional planning.
Hatta, Mohammad. 1978. Pengertian Pancasila
Notonagoro. 1968. Filsafat Pancasila
Notonagoro. 1987. Pancasila Dasar Falsafah Negara.
Notonegoro. 1980. Beberapa hal mengenai Falsafah Pancasila
Yamin,M. 1978. Naskah Persiapan UUD 1945