Welcome to our alumni community of more than 900 former students of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) program. Your relationship with us continues long after graduation so make sure you keep checking back for the latest news, event invites, and opportunities to stay connected with URP and one another.
There are plenty of job opportunities for Urban and Regional planning Graduates. At this moment, graduates from Urban and Regional Planning have been working in government offices (such as Ministry of Public Works, National Planning Board, Local Planning Offices), private consultants, NGOs (national and international), universities and research institutions. In numbers, there are 505 cities and 34 provinces, which always need urban and regional planners.
In addition, the latest tracer study (conducted in ) showed that the waiting time since a student graduate and find a job is from 3 to 5 months. Moreover, in a survey filled by alumni users revealed that there have been no complaint regarding the work performance of the alumni. The graduates of urban and regional planning are eligible to join in the alumni network “Kencanawitagama”.
Last update August 30 2022