Pelatihan Perencana Muda (PPM) is an annual event held by student as one of the learning media for new student of urban and regional planning to find out things related to urban planning. This year’s PPM was carried out on 3,4, and 10 November 2018. The purpose of this activity was to introduce matters related to urban planning supported by scientific writing, public speaking, design and presentation techniques.
This event includes training and workshops, field survey, focus group discussion, and presentation of the observation. On the first day, the event opened with a public speaking seminar by Varrel Vendira. Participants were divided into groups that observed several locations such as Jalan Kaliurang, Jalan Margo Utomo, Jalan Monjali, and others. This activity was supported and directed by several guides and presenters (student). Next, participants recap the data.
On the second day, event continued with a design workshop and presentation by Rifqi Arrahmansyah followed by making a mockup. What’s provided in the PPM are the basics of the abilities needed by urban planning student at UGM. How student convey visual and verbal communication are important. For this reason, the last day of the PPM was filled with presentations made by each group that were approved directly by the lecturer. This presentation is an indicator of the success of the training. It is hoped that the values delivered can be conveyed well to the trainees.