Student Council “HMT Pramukya Arcapada”
Students in undergraduate program in urban and regional planning are automatically a member of student council Pramukya Arcapada. The student council usually hosts seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and talkshow related with planning field. Often, the student council holds sport and music festivals. In addition, the student council is an active member of Indonesian Urban and Regional Planning Students Association (IMPI), where students can exchange their knowledge with other planning students from different universities in Indonesia.
Planning Field Study “KKP/Kuliah Kerja Perencanaan”
KKP is a lecture activities outside the class to observe and compare between theory and how planning works in the real world. Students also visit government or other institution to discuss about challenge in planning. KKP is an annual event that has been held since 2004 until now and since 2007 has become elective courses in URP-SP. Previous field trips had been in Solo, Surabaya, Bali, Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hongkong, and Bangkok.
Gadjah Mada City Festival “Festagama/Festival Kota Gadjah Mada”
Student held Festagama to show and share about the experience after KKP. Festagama mostly consist of seminars and exibitions. This event become a spot to express the creativity and propose the idea for a better Indonesia based on the knowladge gained at KKP.