The organization of assessment both in BURP and MURP are as follows:
1. Assignments can be either individual or group/team
It includes these variants: sketch or drawing, homework, 3D model, critical review, essay, paper, presentation, reflective paper/report, report, poster, executive summary, video or other types of assignments as designed by instructors.
2. Quiz
A quiz is used as a diagnostic assessment for weekly CLO achievement.
3. Standardized Test
The standardized test is divided into mid-term and final examination, as follows:
a. Mid-Term Examination
Mid-semester examination is conducted to assess students’ comprehension of CLOs for topics delivered within half-semester. A mid-term is scheduled by the University. A mid-term examination preparation (i.e. exam questions and exam rooms) and implementation (i.e. exam supervisor, time-keeper, and grading process) are managed by the Department of Architecture and Planning. However, lecturers may decide whether they will use mid-term examination or not measure CLO achievement. If not, they still need to plan another type of assessment to measure CLO achievement.
b. End of Semester/Final Examination
The final examination is conducted to assess students’ comprehension of CLOs for the whole teaching semester. It is usually held at the end of the semester within scheduled examination weeks determined by the University. The regulation and organization of the final examination are similar to mid-term examination. For final examination, it is compulsory for lecturers to use this type of evaluation method.
4. Final Project
Rectorate Decree also mandates bachelor and master students must do final project to complete the study. For BURP, there are two types of the final project, namely planning research and planning studio. Therefore, for MURP, the final project is only in the form of planning research (thesis). Research is promoted, especially for, MURP because it is mandated by Indonesian Quality Framework (IQF) that master’s degree should have specialized knowledge and skills for research. Topics of research for final projects may be overlapped between BURP and MURP. The schedule for the final project defense is organized by academic / supporting staff.