Cities and regions as habitual space where human activities intermingled in several layers formed a complex system. Problems such as land scarcity, excessive urban growth, environmental deterioration, and social conflicts need not only correct, but also innovative solutions. Faced with these complexities, there is a growing demand of professional planners who are able to give prescription for “urban and regional disorders” and improve the current state of cities and regions in order to create better space, better living.
As an answer to these challenges, the undergraduate program in urban and regional planning aims to create graduates who are able to (i) develop and present planning ideas and (ii) actively involved in a planning process within a team and exchange knowledge with other experts.
Urban and regional planning programs cannot be separated with the establishment and development of the Center of Regional Planning and Development Studies (PSPPR) UGM −one of the oldest research centers in UGM, established in 1977− that focused on the development of science and technology in spatial planning and development management. Following up with this center of studies, Magister Perencanaan Kota dan Daerah (Master Program of Urban and Regional Planning) was established first in 1994. Continuing with this, the bachelor program was established in 2003, 9 years after the master program has started.
The Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning program affiliated with “sekolah perencanaan” (planning school) used by ASPI and IAP as its subject-specific community with their specific program in spatial engineering and planning knowledge development in Indonesia.
People who graduated from BURP will gain an official title in Indonesian namely Sarjana Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (S.PWK) or Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning at the back of his/her name.