The graduation ceremony of the Architecture Study Program and the Urban Regional Planning Study Program in November was held to release 18 Architecture Study Program graduates and 3 Urban Regional Planning Study Program graduates. The event began with the opening by Dr.Eng. Ir. Ahmad Sarwadi, M.Eng. as the Head of the Architecture and Planning Engineering Department, the graduates and invitees together sang the Indonesia Raya and Hymne Gadjah Mada songs, then read the minutes of the Yudisium by Labdo Pranowo, S.T., MSc. as a representative of the Architecture Study Program and Widyasari Her Nugrahandika, S.T., M.Sc. as a representative of the Regional and Urban Planning Study Program. The reading of the graduation program is accompanied by the awarding of certificates and placards for graduates.

The next program was a speech from the Department given by Dr.Eng. Ir. Ahmad Sarwadi, M.Eng. as Head of the Architecture and Planning Engineering Department, remarks from representatives of the graduates’ parents, and remarks from Febby Akzan Zulfikha, S.Ars. as a representative of graduates. This speech contained an impression and a message containing a few words as an expression of gratitude to the Lecturers and all staff of the Department of Architecture and Planning, as well as a message of encouragement for fellow graduates and hopes that the Bachelor of Architecture and Bachelor of Regional and City Planning will be useful in the future. for themselves and for other people.
The graduation ceremony was then closed with a group photo, lunch and music and band entertainment that had been prepared at the Innercourt courtyard of the Department of Architecture and Planning. There were also friends from Architecture and Regional and City Planning students from various forces who also enlivened the event and congratulated the graduates.

The graduation ceremony of the Architecture Study Program and the Regional and Urban Planning Study Program in November 2019 was held on November 19, 2019 in room K1 and Innercourt of the Department of Architecture and Planning Engineering.